Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 7...

There are a finite number of technologies used to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning as we are being shown. These are reliable and effective for educational use and aid in gaining active learning from all of your learners.

YouTube is a website that has become a global phenomenon with many different uses such as corporate, political, scientific and everyday use. With its enormous amount of educational content it becomes a brilliant resource for teachers and students. This is a site that I would like to use greatly in my experience as a Learning Manager as it is simple and has ready-made content, as well as similar sites like Teacher Tube.
Through Google Earth students are able to see different parts of the earth as uses longitude and latitude. This would be another great educational resource to actively engage learners in the learning experience as they could search for locations and their positions.
Through my schooling career I used WIKIPedia to find definitions, information, backgrounds on people and much more. It is a quick and easy reference for information and a great place for students to develop background knowledge in subject areas. As a Learning Manager I would conduct classes that involved looking up information on WIKIPedia with each student having a go at researching. I would also give students tasks that they could do at home, if the technology was available, and even teach family how to use the site. How else could this site be used in a learning environment?
Slide Share is a new program to me but it sounds similar to others I have used previously. As it allows you to upload a powerpoint presentation and open office files to a publicly viewable place, the presentation may be reused which would save a lot of time and effort. I feel that students would engage in activities that focused on an ICT such as this as they would enjoy creating their own presentation and viewing that of others.

Copyright is a problem that all Learning Managers are going to face and it is also prevalent in other lines of work. Each of these sites are covered under copyright agreements and are subject to their restrictions. As a Learning Manager you would need to ensure that your students are aware of copyright and what they can do to avoid getting penalised for breaching the restrictions.

Here is a YouTube video called 'The Wild Classroom' on Biodiversity and its definition. This could be used in my class to explain to students what Biodiversity is and what it involves. It is created by teenagers, hence it may be easier for younger students to engage with them and the information they are presenting.


  1. Hi Amy, I have to agree with you on copyrights, I hate to think of how many times in primary school I probably breached copyright laws because I had no idea what they were, and all it takes is referencing your materials to help ensure that your safe. Showing our students referencing is pretty easy to do, the basics are easy for anyone to do. Now I just need to remember to teach my students about copyright laws when it comes to research assignments.

  2. That's totally true Zelina! I probably have done the same in my schooling career and im sure there are many more who have as well! It is not until you get into High School that copyright is realy enforced and becomes an issue. Exactly, referencing is easy and with a basic outline students would be able to follow it.
